A.I.S.E. contribution to the European Commission’s call for evidence on the Single Market Strategy 2025 31-01-2025
The A.I.S.E. Charter for Sustainable Cleaning remains a driving force for advancing sustainability practices across our industry 16-10-2024
The European Parliament re-elected Ursula von der Leyen as President of the EU Commission for the 2024-2029 mandate 18-07-2024
Member state authorities get insight into challenges for SMEs to implement the EU Detergents Regulation 21-05-2024
European parliament votes on detergents regulation – a positive step forward with challenges ahead. 14-03-2024
A.I.S.E Joining Other Industry Associations To Call For Thoughtful And Science-Based Reuse Policies In The Transport Packaging Sector 08-02-2024
A.I.S.E. Emphasises The Need To Safeguard Sustainability With A Science-Based Revision Of The Detergents Regulation. 07-12-2023
Banning Green Claims On Products Containing Certain Substances Can Hinder Innovation And Progress In Sustainability. 30-11-2023
A.I.S.E. Charter for Sustainable Cleaning joins Amazon’s Climate Pledge Friendly Certifications 18-01-2023
A.I.S.E. Annual Cleaning and Hygiene Forum highlights the innovations and challenges driving a greener industry 20-12-2022
Economic Analysis of the Impacts to the Detergents, Maintenance and Cleaning Products Industry of the Chemicals Strategy for Sustainability 24-06-2022
A.I.S.E. & Biocides for Europe recommendations for improving EU access to biocidal products 18-03-2022
A.I.S.E. Annual Cleaning & Hygiene Forum focuses on driving circularity and the European Green Deal 22-12-2021
Updated Product Stewardship Programme for capsules and updates safe use icon released today 17-12-2021
Detergent industry confirms its commitment to Green Deal priorities, calling for science, innovation, and collaboration 08-12-2021
European Partnership For Alternative Approches To Animal Testing (EPAA): A Decade Of Support To The 3RS 02-12-2015