Positions & Press Releases

General Assembly Welcomes New  A.I.S.E. President & Member Companies – Press Release – 18 June 2024
Council adopts General Approach on the Detergents Regulation – A.I.S.E. Press release – 17 June 24
Joint industry call for a certain and pragmatic framework in Green Claims Directive (3 June 2024)
Member state authorities get insight into challenges for SMEs to implement the EU Detergents Regulation – A.I.S.E./Detic/Realco Press Release (22 May 24)
Green Claims Directive: Ban of green claims for products containing hazardous substances – Joint Industry Statement (3 April 2024)
A.I.S.E. welcomes the European Parliament’s vote on the Detergents Regulation – A.I.S.E. press release (27 Feb 2024)
Enable the Green Transition with a harmonised, reliable and workable framework for Green Claims- Joint Industry Statement (23 February 2024)
Reuse targets for transport packaging – Joint Industry Statement (8 February 2024)
Ban of green claims for products containing hazardous substances- Joint industry statement (24 January 2024)
Change in A.I.S.E. leadership – A.I.S.E. press release (11 Dec. 2023)
Industry welcomes the revision of the Detergents Regulation – A.I.S.E. press release (28 April 2023)
Safeguarding sustainability with science-based regulation for the detergents industry – A.I.S.E. press release (7 Dec. 2023)
Banning green claims on products containing certain substances can hinder innovation and progress in sustainability – Industry recommendation on IMCO-ENVI draft report (29 Nov 2023)
Joint industry call for urgent dialogue on CLP revision (5 September 2023)
A.I.S.E. Charter for Sustainable Cleaning – KPIs 2022 – Press Release
A.I.S.E. statement on Restrictions Roadmap (25 April 2022)
Cross-Industry joint statement: A European Agenda for Evidence-Based and Better Policy Making (18 Oct. 2021)
Promoting a smart transition towards digital product information to consumers – Joint industry letter by Digital Information Alliance (15 July 2021)
Enzymes and the Environmental Goals of the Organic Food Regulation – Joint A.I.S.E. / AMFEP letter (14 July 2021)
Packaging waste labelling – Joint industry call for an EU approach (24 June 2021)
Sustainable Products Initiative – A.I.S.E. position (9 June 2021)
Revision of REACH – DUCC input to consultation on Inception Impact Assessment (31 May 2021)
Revision of CLP – DUCC input to consultation on Inception Impact Assessment (31 May 2021)
Revision of REACH – A.I.S.E. input to consultation on Inception Impact Assessment (31 May 2021)
Revision of CLP – A.I.S.E. input to consultation on Inception Impact Assessment (31 May 2021)
High-Level Round Table on the implementation of the Chemical Strategy for Sustainability – A.I.S.E. input to the first meeting (5 May 2021)
Joint industry statement on the 1st_meeting of the High-Level Roundtable (5 May 2021)
Organic food production – A.I.S.E. contribution to public consultation (22 April 2021)
Packaging & Packaging Waste Directive review – Joint industry statement (16 April 2021)
Single Use Plastics Directive – Joint industry statement (14 April 2021)
Joint industry/academia report emphasises key role of Targeted Hygiene for EU citizens’ health and promotes appropriate use of products – A.I.S.E. & IFH joint press release (7 April 2021)
New Circular Economy Action Plan (CEAP) – A.I.S.E. position (9 March 2021)
EU Ecolabel & the potential revision of product criteria – A.I.S.E. Position paper (5 March 2021)
Zero Pollution Action Plan – A.I.S.E. position (10 Feb 2021)
Fragrance allergens labelling- A.I.S.E. comments on Commission working document (8 Feb 2021)
Single use plastics draft guidelines – Joint industry statement (21 January 2021)
A positive list of substances for cleaning and disinfecting agents in organic food production – A.I.S.E. comments (January 2021)
Packaging & Packaging Waste Directive -A.I.S.E. input to the public consultation (18 Dec 2020)
European Commission inception impact assessment on the sustainable products initiative – A.I.S.E. position (3 Nov 2020)
Access to sanitation for all in Europe – Joint statement by the Coalition on Access to Sanitation (21 October 2020)
EU Chemicals Strategy must enable progress in sustainability, based on science – A.I.S.E. press statement (14 Oct 2020)
Pan-European poll confirms that cleaning and hygiene is key to EU citizens’ health – A.I.S.E. stakeholder release (17 Sept. 2020)
Protecting the integrity of the Single Market – joint statement by the European Packaging Chain Forum (Sep 2020)
European Commission Roadmap on empowering the consumer for the green transition – A.I.S.E. position (27 Aug 2020)
European Commission inception impact assessment on the legislative proposal on substantiating green claims – A.I.S.E. position (27 Aug 2020)
Fiscal measures related to packaging materials and applications – Joint statement by industry associations in the packaging supply chain (13 July 2020)
Chemicals Strategy for Sustainability – Letter to President von der Leyen by the European chemicals industry (2 July 2020)
EU Chemicals Strategy for Sustainability – A.I.S.E. comments on the roadmap (summary 19 Jun 2020)
EU Chemicals Strategy for Sustainability – A.I.S.E. comments on the roadmap (full version 19 Jun 2020)
A.I.S.E. appoints Nadia Viva as first female President to lead the detergents and maintenance industry into the future -A.I.S.E. stakeholder release (9 June 2020)
Safe use of bleach and disinfectants – A.I.S.E. industry statement (24 April 2020)
European cleaning & hygiene products industry: a strategic sector in the fight against COVID-19 outbreak – A.I.S.E. position (26 March 2020)
A.I.S.E. Covid 19 position (March 2020)
A.I.S.E. welcomes the New Circular Economy Action Plan – A.I.S.E. position (13 March 2020)
Press release on EU Industrial Strategy (Industry4Europe) (11 March 2020)
Various initiatives in Europe on “scoring” of detergents and maintenance products – A.I.S.E. position (3 March 2020)
A.I.S.E. Charter for Sustainable Cleaning 2020+ symposium -A.I.S.E. press release (12 Feb 2020)
Launch of cleanright.eu consumer portal – A.I.S.E. press release (6 Feb 2020)
Principles for plastics in a Circular Economy – INCPA position (27 Jan 2020)
A.I.S.E. Position on REACH-EN-FORCE 6 (REF 6) report on classification and labelling of mixtures (Dec.2019)
DUCC comments on the ECHA Enforcement Forum’s REF-6 Project Report on the classification and labelling of mixtures (December 2019)
Key role of biocides for health & safety in hospitals witnessed by EU authorities (18 Sept. 2019)
Joint Statement for an Ambitious Horizon Europe Programme (Sept.2019)
EU Commission Fitness Check & review of Detergents Regulation-A.I.S.E. public statement (July 2019)
Collaboration between EU Poison Centres & industry confirms low eye hazard for users – A.I.S.E. press release (6 May 2019)
Collaboration between EU Poison Centres & industry confirms low eye hazard for users – A.I.S.E. press release (6 May 2019)
A.I.S.E. publishes guidance for use of Product Environmental Footprint Category Rules for liquid laundry detergent – A.I.S.E. press release (7 March 2019)
A.I.S.E. endorses Ellen MacArthur Foundation Global Commitment – A.I.S.E. press release (6 March 2019)
A.I.S.E. CSR Guidance Stakeholder release (13 February 2019)
European plastics industry and value chain present their commitments and pledges for a more sustainable plastics industry (11 Dec. 2018)
A.I.S.E. announces industry-wide targets for sustainable packaging -A.I.S.E. stakeholder release (11 Dec. 2018)
DUCC’s history of contribution to the REACH implementation – DUCC factsheet (Nov. 2018)
Postponement of applicability dates for reporting to PCCs (CLP Annex VIII) – A.I.S.E. letter (15 Oct. 2018)
Let’s put industry at the core of the EU’s future – Joint industry manifesto (Oct. 2018)
REACH review – A.I.S.E. position (6 September 2018)
Reduction of the impact of certain plastics products on the environment -Joint industry statement (21 August 2018)
Detergent industry’s efforts to have a robust in vitro test method for classification purposes rewarded by recent OECD publication – A.I.S.E. press release (28 June 2018)
A.I.S.E. APPLIA & GINETEX to take the hidden laundry master out of you – Joint industry press release (4 June 2018)
Single use plastics – A.I.S.E. position (1 June 2018)
Industry confirms Detergent Regulation review and digitalisation could lead to more effective consumer information – A.I.S.E. press release (29 May 2018)
Concerns of the European household care and professional cleaning and hygiene industry in relation to Brexit negotiations – A.I.S.E./UKCPI joint letter (30/3/2018)
Prevention of microplastic release into aquatic environment during washing of synthetic textiles – Cross industry agreement
Industry unites in the fight against microplastic release from the washing of synthetic textiles – Joint industry press release (16 January 2018)
Liquid Laundry Detergents Capsules – Industry statement (15 January 2018)
Evaluation of the Detergents Regulation – A.I.S.E. position (17 July 2017)
An ambitious EU industrial strategy – Joint industry position (6 June 2017)
Safe handling of detergents – Labelling of home-made remedies – A.I.S.E. position (16 March 2017)
Cumulative cost assessment for the EU Chemical Industry – A.I.S.E. position (24 October 2016)
Classification & Labelling of Detergents and Cleaning Products under CLP – A.I.S.E press release (18 October 2016)
New leadership growth + sustainability progress – A.I.S.E. press release (21 June 2016)
Industry unites in the fight against microplastic release from the washing of synthetic textiles – Joint industry press release (16 January 2018)
Circular Economy Package – A.I.S.E. position (8 December 2015)
Circular Economy: A.I.S.E. submission to the European Commission (30 June 2015)
International Cleaning Product Network welcomes new members & launches new web portal (3 October 2014)
Single Market for Green Products – joint industry position (22 March 2013)

Representing the cleaning and hygiene products industry.

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