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EU Ecolabel

While there are many ecolabels in Europe, the ‘EU Ecolabel’ refers to the European Union’s scheme promoting environmental excellence in products on the European markets, including detergents and maintenance products. The scheme is recognisable by the blue flower logo, indicating the product fulfils environmental criteria for a reduced carbon footprint.

The EU Ecolabel scheme was introduced in 1992 by Regulation (EC) 66/2010. Its scope covers a wide range of industries and includes products and services, for example DIY, personal care or clothing and textile products, to cleaning services and holiday accommodation.

The EU Ecolabel focuses on the environmental performance of products and services to guide consumers in their choices, and in 2023, more than 88 000 different products were awarded with EU Ecolabel licences. It is managed by the European Commission and the competent authorities in the Member States.

The EU Ecolabel scheme was introduced in 1992 by Regulation (EC) 66/2010. Its scope covers a wide range of industries and includes products and services, for example DIY, personal care or clothing and textile products, to cleaning services and holiday accommodation. The EU Ecolabel focuses on the environmental performance of products and services to guide consumers in their choices, and in 2023, more than 88 000 different products were awarded with EU Ecolabel licences. It is managed by the European Commission and the competent authorities in the Member States.

For the cleaning and hygiene products industry, there are Ecolabel criteria for six categories of products, including household products and those used for professional or institutional cleaning. These are: household and institutional laundry detergents, household and institutional dishwasher detergents, hand dishwashing detergents and hard surface cleaning products. In 2023, there were 832 licenses for 11 395 detergent products, including a 10% increase in the number of licences for industrial and institutional dishwashing products.

The criteria for detergent products on the market today are currently being revised -this revision was last done in 2017 and had a validity of six years. Regular revisions of the criteria are essential to take account of new products, innovation in the industry and new technologies that adapt the ingredients, formulations and finished products and their performance.

Current revision of ecolabel criteria underway

A.I.S.E. is proactively involved in the current revision and working with the EU Commission’s Joint Research Centre. A.I.S.E. believes that the EU Ecolabel criteria must be determined on a scientific basis after considering the whole life cycle of products. In addition, harmonised application of the scheme throughout Member States must be ensured. A revision of the EU Ecolabel Scheme should lead to an improved indication of the most sustainable products, by better integrating product performance into its criteria, as well as objective risk-based assessments for ingredients that are in line with other EU regulatory provisions, such as REACH.

Official EU Ecolabel Website
EU Ecolabel Facts & Figures

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A.I.S.E. position on the revision of EU Ecolabel criteria (March 2021) Download