Detergent Industry Network for CLP Classification

The Detergent Industry Network for CLP Classification (DetNet) is a platform that helps detergents manufacturers to classify and label their products in accordance with the EU Classification, Labelling and Packaging Regulation (CLP) in order to comply with the requirements. 

Under CLP, manufacturers must label a product before placing it on the market when it contains one or more substances classified as hazardous above a certain threshold. The supplier – in this case, cleaning and maintenance product manufacturers – must determine the correct classification and label their products accordingly.

To assist companies in doing this, A.I.S.E. has worked with a broad number of experts and in close dialogue with stakeholders to set up the Detergent Industry Network for CLP Classification for skin and eye effects, known as DetNet. 

How DetNet helps classify and label products

DetNet is a data-sharing network that builds on new possibilities foreseen by the CLP Regulation. It provides access to shared, robust and up-to-date test data and expertise to help companies, especially SMEs, to derive the appropriate classification and label for their products for skin and eye effects. 

Based on provisions of the CLP Regulation, DetNet offers companies an alternative to the calculation method for arriving at a classification and label also specified under the regulation. As such, DetNet helps cleaning and maintenance products manufacturers inform consumers about the actual hazards of the products by enabling a greater differentiation in product classification than the one provided by the calculation method. In this way, classification derived from DetNet will help recognise hazardous products and how to handle them safely.

Since it was launched in 2013, DetNet incudes data on nearly 2000 classified mixtures. 

DetNet provides members with access to toxicological test data on many detergent and cleaning product mixtures. It facilitates the application of bridging principles, weight of evidence and expert judgement to classify non tested mixtures for eye and skin hazards under CLP. A.I.S.E. is exploring ways to reinforce and extend the DetNet database in preparation for an anticipated clarification of the application of bridging principles in the revision of CLP under the CSS. Meanwhile, ECHA’s Enforcement Forum has launched a pilot project on the classification of mixtures, focusing on detergents and cleaning products, with a final report due in 2023.

DetNet Website

Contact A.I.S.E

Representing the cleaning and hygiene products industry.

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