Safe Use Icons

Household detergents and maintenance products are safe when used and stored according to the directions on the label. The cleaning products industry has developed handy safe-use icons, to help consumers use household cleaning products safely and help prevent domestic accidents. 

A.I.S.E.’s ‘safe use’ icons are freely available for use by all companies placing cleaning, detergents and maintenance products on the EU market. They provide clear, consumer-focused messages on how to use cleaning and maintenance products at home and are available with safe use sentences in each of the EU languages. These messages have been communicated via on-pack labelling and other communication tools since 2004 and are regularly updated.  

Five of the safe use icons refer specifically to liquid detergent capsules such as liquid detergent capsules for laundry, dishwashing detergents and laundry additives. These are in wide use in Europe, communicating important safety instructions on using capsules in a very visual, consumer-friendly manner: Use with dry hands; Close the lid and bag properly; Do not pierce or cut. The most recent addition is the icon: Do not tear apart stuck capsules.    

  • The safe use icons

Use of safe use icons outside Europe 

In order to help secure the safe use of products across all markets, the icons and accompanying sentences may also be used outside the EU 27 and outside the A.I.S.E. product portfolio, provided that they comply with the A.I.S.E. Guidance on application (see page 13 of guidelines for use outside the EU) and the local legal requirements.  

  • If used outside the EU 27 and no translation is available from A.I.S.E., the copnay using the icon together with the associated sentences should secure adequate translation.  No change should be made to the design. In all cases, A.I.S.E. retains copyright of the safe use icons/sentences but does not take liability for any misuse of this material.  
  • If used outside of the A.I.S.E. product portfolio and outside the EU 2è (except Turkey), reference to may be omitted. Recommendation to use the icons with the accompanying texts is strongly supported by A.I.S.E. If only ‘silent’ versions of the icons is possible, it is strongly advised that the reference to a web portal giving the relevant A.I.S.E. accompanying sentences (and referring to the sources material in A.I.S.E.)  be made.   

Any questions should be addressed to  [email protected]   

For manufacturers – see also the artwork for Safe use of

Liquid Detergent Capsules

For consumers: Article on Safe use of cleaning and disinfection products at home

Safe Use


A.I.S.E. safe use icons

Thumbnail Title File Download
A.I.S.E. safe use icons Guidelines Download File

Safe use Icons

Thumbnail Title File Download
13 individual Icons without text Download File
13 individual icons with text Download File

Safe Use Icons Panel

Thumbnail Title File Download
With text Download File

Representing the cleaning and hygiene products industry.

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