Low Temperature Washing

An analysis of the environmental impact of most cleaning products reveals that by far the greatest impact happens not during manufacturing, but when the products are used – notably because of the energy and water needed to do laundry and wash dishes. Industry initiatives which encourage and promote sustainable consumption include Cleanright’s ‘Best Use Tips’ and the specific campaign to wash our laundry at low temperature called ‘I prefer 30°’.   

I Prefer 30°

A.I.S.E. and its national associations launched the “I prefer 30°” campaign in 2013. It was initially aimed at business-to-business but broadened to include the business-to-consumer audience and gradually rolled-out across a number of markets. The initiative promotes the more sustainable use of household laundry detergents with the objective of saving energy through low temperature washing and raising consumer awareness of the benefits of washing at low temperatures. This is the most promising area of potential environmental savings. 

 “I prefer 30°” is open to retailers, appliance manufacturers, fashion manufacturers/retailers, authorities, NGOs and other corporate supporters, making it a unique, multi-stakeholder movement.  

Today, the initiative has the support of more than 30 partners in 10 countries and gained wide endorsement.  

See the full campaign website

I Prefer 30° Website

Common tips for sustainable laundering 

Washing at lower temperatures can save energy, money and CO2 emissions. More than 1000 washes are started in Europe every second. Most clothes can be successfully washed at low temperatures so save the energy required to heat water. By making small changes to our habits we can make a big difference in reducing the environmental footprint of laundry and helping fight climate change. 

In its ongoing aim to promote sustainable laundering habits by consumers at home, A.I.S.E, APPLIA (home appliances industry) and GINETEX (responsible for the textile care labels on clothes) have worked together to jointly promote a set of tips for consumers to save energy and money. Together, the three industry associations promote the same approach to have a greater environmental impact. The tips aim to change consumers’ habits and help them to save water, reduce their CO2 emissions and save money.   

Read more 

A.I.S.E. consumer habits research (2020)
Cleanright.eu (Consumer portal) Website
APPLIA Website

Contact A.I.S.E

Representing the cleaning and hygiene products industry.

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