Liquid Detergent Capsules

An important part of product stewardship for the industry is providing users with information on how to use products so that they get the best performance from them and understand how to use them safely.

As part of A.I.S.E.’s product stewardship on the safe use of liquid laundry detergent capsules, companies have committed to reinforced communication to consumers on the need for safe storage and handling of capsules, and to always keep the products away from children.  

Prominent extra labelling on the outer package of the product is one important aspect of this commitment. A toolkit provides manufacturers with artwork for placing on liquid detergent capsule packaging in a series of yellow panels, using a photographic image together with the safe use icons, to convey the vital message to “keep the product away from children” and emphasising the need to always close the pack after use.  

A.I.S.E.’s safe use icons are an important part of this industry wide product stewardship programme (PSP) for liquid detergent capsules. The programme is open to any company placing liquid detergent capsules on the market in the Eu (+ Iceland, Liechtenstein, Norway, Switzerland and the UK). The programme includes, amongst others, a commitment to using the safety patch with the appropriate safe use icon.  

In order to help promote the safe use of products in all markets, non-signatories of the PSP are allowed to freely use the relevant safe use panels as part of their packaging artwork, on condition that the guidance and requirements are strictly and fully observed.  

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This artwork has been developed in the context of A.I.S.E.’s Product Stewardship Programme (PSP) for liquid detergent capsules (PSP 2021). It may be used in strict accordance with the technical and legal requirements laid out in the project description.  


Execution 1: The standard safe use patch (rectangular or square)

This execution of the safe use patch communicates the standard safe use information that must be communicated to consumers. It consists of the “keep out of reach” picture, the “do not ingest” safe use icon, and the “close the bag/lid properly” safe use icon. It may be provided in either full colour or in reduced colour, in rectangular or square layout. 

Thumbnail Title File Download
Standard patch / Rectangular layout / colour versions Download File
Standard patch / Rectangular layout / colour versions Download File
Standard patch / Rectangular layout / colour versions Download File
Standard patch / Rectangular layout / black/white versions Download File
Standard patch / Rectangular layout / black/white versions Download File
Standard patch / Rectangular layout / black/white versions Download File
Standard patch / Square layout / colour versions Download File
Standard patch / Square layout / colour versions Download File
Standard patch / Square layout / black/white versions Download File
Standard patch / Square layout / black/white versions Download File
Safety baby images Download File

Execution 2: The core safe use patch

This execution may only be availed of if it is accompanied by brand specific reclosing instructions elsewhere on pack. This execution communicates the minimum information that must be communicated via the safe use patch. It consists of the “keep out of reach” picture and the “do not ingest” safe use icon. It may be provided in either full colour or in reduced colour. 

Thumbnail Title File Download
Core safe use patch / Rectangular layout Download File

Execution 3: The core safe use patch with safe use icon

A potential third execution of the “core” safe use patch may be done by companies : in this execution, the “core” safe use patch may be augmented by the use of one of the A.I.S.E. safe use icon (discretionary  choice of the company and of relevance to the product in question). This variation is intended to best facilitate safe use of a specific product 

Thumbnail Title File Download
Exceptional core safe use patch with safe use icon (only for packs of maximum 11 loads) Colour version Download File
Exceptional core safe use patch with safe use icon (only for packs of maximum 11 loads) Colour version Download File
Exceptional core safe use patch with safe use icon (only for packs of maximum 11 loads) Colour version (with do not ingest icon) Download File
Exceptional core safe use patch with safe use icon (only for packs of maximum 11 loads) BW version (bag)  Download File
Exceptional core safe use patch with safe use icon (only for packs of maximum 11 loads) BW version (box)  Download File
Exceptional core safe use patch with safe use icon (only for packs of maximum 11 loads) BW version (with do not ingest icon)  Download File
“Handle and store safely” patch – Text translations in all languages Download File
“Handle and store safely” patches in all languages: handle & store safely - box ai jpg  Download File
“Handle and store safely” patches in all languages: handle & store safely - bag ai jpg Download File

Representing the cleaning and hygiene products industry.
