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Downstream Communication

Safe use of mixtures

A.I.S.E. member companies consist of formulators: downstream users which produce mixtures, such as detergents, and supply them down the supply chain. These formulators must consider safe use information from their suppliers via the exposure scenarios and communicate relevant information down the supply chain to customers via the product Safety Data Sheets (SDS).

The safety data sheet (SDS) is a source of information on a substance or a mixture which provides advice on safe handling, disposal and transport, and on precautionary measures such as first-aid, firefighting and exposure control.

A.I.S.E. and the Dutch National Association (NVZ) have developed a tool to assist downstream users with their obligation to communicate safe use information. The tool is known as the Safe Use of Mixtures Information documents, or SUMIs.

The industry’s SUMIs allow companies to communicate the risk management measures and operational conditions in a simple, clear and standardised way. The focus is on the typical use of a product and on the application instead of extensive knowledge on chemicals or REACH. For example, professional cleaners should be able to determine easily whether wearing gloves is necessary or how long they can be safely exposed to a cleaning agent. Cleaning product manufacturers provide SUMIs to cleaning companies to enable them to give the right information to end-users.

Safe Use of Mixtures SUMIs

ECHA, Member State representatives and other industry groups have welcomed the industry’s SUMI approach. Furthermore, the Dutch inspectorate has accepted the SUMI as a methodology to meet the requirements of REACH and occupational health legislation for cleaning companies. The SUMI approach has expanded to other downstream users through DUCC, with SUMI terminology and guidance published in 2015.

The current A.I.S.E. SUMI material is available to all companies and includes guidance, training videos and safe use pictograms. This material may be downloaded below in English. Several national associations have translated this material, which may be accessed on the association website buttons below.

SUMI Training videos

Why are the SUMIs relevant to professional cleaning companies?
The A.I.S.E. SUMIs: What’s in them and how are they chosen?
How to use the A.I.S.E SUMI?
How can a cleaning company receive Safe Use Information?

DUCC SUMI pictograms
FHER – French SUMIs
IHO – German SUMIs
NVZ – Dutch SUMIs
Teknomia- Finnish SUMIs
BPHR – Swedish SUMIs
Assocasa Members only – Italian SUMIs
ADELMA Members only – Spanish SUMIs
AISDPCL Members only- Portuguese SUMIs

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A.I.S.E. Guidance on safe use of detergent and maintenance products under REACH Download
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