Insecticides & repellents

Insects make up half of all living organisms and play an essential role in our ecosystem, contributing to pollination and the food chain of birds and other insectivores. Only a few pose a threat to human health in Europe, but that threat can be serious. Others are more of a nuisance.

Repellents and insecticides protect human health

Repellents and insecticides are critical to help tackle the growing presence and nuisance of various troublesome insects. They also fall under the scope of biocidal products and are in A.I.S.E. product portfolio.
Learn more about insects’ presence, impact and control in Europe, and how diverse the situation is among the different EU Member States in the A.I.S.E. brochure below: it also covers:

  • The most common troublesome insects found in Europe and why they are a problem
  • Data from ECDC on the evolution of insect-transmitted diseases
  • The rigorous legislative process to place repellents and insecticides on the market
  • Tips for prevention and human safety
  • A vast number of scientific literature references on the topic.
    Protecting our health and our homes: The role of repellents and insecticides in keeping troublesome insects at bay

A drastic evolution of ticks between 2012 and 2019 in Europe

Lyme disease is an infection caused by the bacteria borrelia burgdorferi which is commonly spread by a tick bite. Findings from the ECDC indicate a growing need to protect ourselves against such infection, infestation and insect-transmitted diseases. Protection can take place in our homes, in healthcare and other institutional settings. In this context, repellents and insecticides provide a vital line of defense, when used responsibly. These products are strictly regulated in Europe under the Biocidal Products Regulation.

ECDC Website

Efficacy of topical mosquito repellents

A.I.S.E. and Biocides for Europe have led research to validate the efficacy of repellents. This work confirmed that two alternative methods can be used in Europe as alternatives to the conventional arm in cage test for assessing topical insect repellents.

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Representing the cleaning and hygiene products industry.

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