Economic Analysis of the Impacts to the Detergents, Maintenance and Cleaning Products Industry of the Chemicals Strategy for Sustainability

Published on June 24, 2022.

A.I.S.E. is a proactive forward-looking trade association with more than 30 years’ experience leading industry initiatives that drive safer sustainable production and use of our products. We fully support the objectives of the EU Green Deal for continuous improvement of the sustainability and safety of our products under the Chemicals Strategy for Sustainability (CSS). We actively advocate for a holistic science-based approach to foster the innovation that will achieve these objectives. 

We are innovative, consumer focused and committed to being part of the solution. As part of our commitment to proactive engagement in the legislative process, we commissioned Ricardo* to undertake an economic analysis of the business impacts of the CSS to contribute to the Commission’s impact assessment process. The study assesses the impacts of the introduction of new hazard classes and generic risk management for the sector as a whole. The research was aligned with the European Commission’s Better Regulation Guidelines and included rigorous quality control measures to ensure the quality of the data and analysis.

The business impact analysis of the CSS for our sector revealed:  

  • 12% net portfolio reduction, representing annual losses of €2.4-6.3 bn 
  • 8900 lost jobs in the detergents sector, equivalent to 7% of its workforce,   
  • 27,400 net lost jobs when knock-on effects on the wider EU economy are considered. 
  • 53% of the portfolio is potentially affected whilst SMEs may be disproportionately affected with 75 – 100% of some businesses’ portfolios impacted.

