Detergent industry confirms its commitment to Green Deal priorities, calling for science, innovation, and collaboration

Published on December 8, 2021.

8 December 2021 – Today, at the 2021 edition of its Cleaning & Hygiene Forum and Charter Symposium, A.I.S.E. reiterated its commitment to contribute constructively to the Commission’s Green Deal’s ambition and notably the Circular Economy Action Plan (CEAP). With its Charter for Sustainable Cleaning as a robust flagship programme, the Detergent and Cleaning industry is up for the challenge of science based sustainable progress fostering collaboration and innovation. 

A.I.S.E.’s traditional annual event gathered this year about 250 participants for its virtual Cleaning & Hygiene Forum, combined on this occasion with the Charter Symposium. Entitled: “Cleaning and circularity: working together to meet the Green Deal’s objectives”, various speakers from the European Commission (Hans Ingels, DG GROW), the upcoming French Presidency to the EU (Sylvain Chevassus), as well as external experts (Deloitte, Lighthouse sustainability) and A.I.S.E. speakers presented their views.

Susanne Zänker, A.I.S.E. Director General, introduced the session reminding the critical role of the sector to society, notably in times of sanitary crisis. She also highlighted the performance and achievements of the Charter for Sustainable Cleaning, implemented since 2005, including a comprehensive set of requirements for the sustainable sourcing, production, design and use of products to companies in the sector. The robust scheme can further evolve to drive and serve upcoming CEAP objectives.

Nadia Viva, A.I.S.E.’s President concluded the Forum: “We recognise the value and fully share the Commission’s objectives to make Europe the first climate neutral continent in the world. We are convinced that in order to achieve our common vision and bring the desired outcomes, we need to do it right. This means, first of all, using sound scientific knowledge as the basis for all policy work. Further collaboration and open dialogue between our industry and the European Commission will be crucial to enable the evolution of our proven Charter scheme towards the Product Environmental Footprint (PEF) methodology and ensure the best outcome for consumers and the environment. Finally, innovation will be instrumental. In order for us to be “fit for purpose”, we will need the efforts from suppliers, recyclers and other value chain partners to re-invent effective and sustainable cleaning & hygiene solutions for our society and the planet.” 
