Change IN A.I.S.E. Leadership, Ongoing Commitment To Sustainable Innovation.

Published on December 11, 2023.

Susanne Zänker has announced her successor as A.I.S.E. Director General as Alexis Van Maercke. Alexis will take over the reins of A.I.S.E. on 3 January 2024 at a critical juncture for this industry, as the legislative basis for placing detergent and maintenance products on the market is being reshaped for the future. 

Susanne joined A.I.S.E. in 2005, an era defined by the introduction of the first EU Detergent Regulation, followed by the REACH Regulation and the launch of the industry’s voluntary Charter for Sustainable Cleaning, today a model for sustainable progress today. In nearly two decades, the A.I.S.E. network has grown from 8 to 18 corporate members, from none to 18 value chain partners and 29 national associations. 

Under Susanne’s mantle, A.I.S.E. is today an active contributor to EU policy making, engaged in a major revision of chemical legalisation that will set the stage for decades to come.  

“An association is only as strong as its members – our expert and committed network in A.I.S.E. is our greatest asset, and it has been an honour to have had the opportunity to lead such a dynamic and member-centric organisation. The A.I.S.E. network will continue to advocate for coherence across the legislation to ensure innovation and sustainability for the future of our sector.” 

Alexis has been Secretary General of APEAL for seven years, a Brussels based association representing the interests of the producers of steel for packaging. Alexis brings with him nearly 20 years of experience in Brussels including in the EU institutions as political advisor to Marianne Thyssen in the European Parliament and following that in the European Commission DG Internal Market, Industry, Entrepreneurship and SMEs. Alexis holds two Masters in Law and European Studies. 

“It’s a great honour to take over from Susanne Zänker who has been the driving force of A.I.S.E. for many years. With the upcoming European Parliament elections and many legislative initiatives ahead, I cannot wait to embark on this exciting journey together with the A.I.S.E. members and the team.”

A.I.S.E. President Nadia Viva points out that it’s hard to overestimate the importance of the role of the A.I.S.E.’s Director General. “In the current unprecedented and simultaneous revision of so many crucial EU regulations that govern this industry, this dynamic association is agile and proactive and benefits from a cohesive network of experts. I would personally like to thank Susanne for two decades of leadership in her legendary agile and proactive manner. And I extend a warm welcome to Alexis who will guide us through this transition and into the future. A.I.S.E.’s commitment to a sound, science-based approach to chemical policy must prevail, without overlap and additional administrative burden to ensure our 70-year strong history continues to drive a sustainable future for Europe.” 

See here the LinkedIn post from Susanne Zänker announcing her last day at A.I.S.E.
