In 70 years A.I.S.E. has grown from a handful of associations collaborating to secure the availability of materials post-war, into a pan-European organisation representing over 900 companies across over 30 markets. The history of A.I.S.E. mirrors the history of the European Union itself: the vision of a few brave individuals determined to build a better future based on cooperation between nations, people and industries. Just as the EU has its founding fathers, so A.I.S.E. acknowledges the role of key individuals whose vision for international collaboration led to the establishment of this dynamic trade association that we are proud to lead today.
A.I.S.E.’s History
Today more than 13 billion consumer products are sold with the Charter product logo, indicating that the product meets advanced sustainability criteria
The Charter for Sustainable Cleaning counts 183 member companies and 189 manufacturing sites. Since 2005, there is a 39% reduction in CO2 emissions and 39% reduction in packaging (p/t)
A.I.S.E. contributes to the revision of EU legislation vital for our industry, the Detergent Regulation, CLP and REACH
A.I.S.E. calls for action to increase the recycling of bottles and sleeves by introducing a removable sleeve icon
A.I.S.E.’s joins the EU High-Level Round Table on the Chemical Strategy for Sustainability (CSS)
The consumer multi-lingual portal Cleanright is relaunched in 23 languages
The industry responds rapidly to the COVID-19 pandemic ensuring availability of hygiene and disinfection products for personal and professional use.
20 years of industry compaction show significant environmental savings: laundry dosage reduced by 50%; 30 million tonnes of detergent saved; 45% less tonnage of detergent
A.I.S.E. sets strict targets for a circular economy for plastics with its voluntary plastics packaging initiative
The industry’s ‘keep away from children’ icon is included in the revised UN classification and labelling system
A.I.S.E. vision and strategy revised to ensure the association is agile, proactive and solution oriented
A.I.S.E. publishes corporate social responsibility guidance
A.I.S.E. research confirms consumers prefer simpler products labels with less text and more visuals
Hazard symbols on household cleaning products are replaced with modern icons and precautionary statements
A.I.S.E. launches a pan-European safety campaign to promote the safe use and storage of liquid laundry detergent capsules
A.I.S.E. launches I Prefer 30° campaign to engage consumers to wash at lower temperatures
A.I.S.E. launches DetNet tool or manufacturers to secure classification and labelling according to CLP
A.I.S.E. launches first product stewardship programme for liquid detergent capsules to prevent accidental exposures
A.I.S.E. and Cefic launch Cleanright consumer portal for safe and sustainable cleaning at home
A.I.S.E. becomes official ECHA stakeholder
A.I.S.E. launches first product stewardship programme for indoor air quality
A.I.S.E. launched its first compaction project to lower environmental impact of laundry detergents leading to huge environmental savings over the years that follow
Launch of EPAA, European partnership between EU and industry for alternatives to animal testing
Introduction of A.I.S.E.’s safe use icons for household products
Launch of the A.I.S.E.’s Charter for Sustainable Cleaning
Launch of international cooperation via INCPA
Creation of DUCC coordination group for downstream users of chemicals
Completion of the GREAT-ER project foreseeing the concentrations of chemicals in different rivers
Launch of HERA platform for human and environmental risk assessment on ingredients of household cleaning products
Creation of an SME ‘club’ within A.I.S.E. to focus on the specific needs of small and medium sized manufactures that operate 85% of Europe’s manufacturing facilities
Launch of A.I.S.E.’s voluntary code of good environmental practice for household laundry detergents and Washright campaign
Merger of AIS and F.I.F.E. creating A.I.S.E.
Creation of industry application pictograms for industrial and institutional products
Creation of the Single European Market with free movement of service, goods and people
Creation of joint A.I.S.E./CESIO research platform on risk assessment of surfactants in detergents ERASM
First of three (1992 & 1995) industry workshops by AIS and CESIO establish the principles for environmental risk assessment of detergent chemicals.
AIS granted consultative status within the U.N.
AIS moves closer to the EEC institutions in Brussels
Industry guidelines for testing textile washing products
International Association of Maintenance Products (F.I.F.E) founded
Progressive voluntary introduction of biodegradable surfactants for laundry products
Harmonisation of tax duties for soap raw materials
Industry programme to promote hygiene with soaps and detergents in schools
European Free Trade Association (EFTA) established
European Economic Community (EEC) founded
International Association of Soaps and Detergents (AIS) founded
European Coal & Steel Community (ECSC) founded
Benelux Economic Union established