Over 900 companies
A.I.S.E. is a strong network of over 900 companies across Europe. This map is representing our members in the detergents and maintenance products industry.
A.I.S.E. is a strong network of over 900 companies across Europe. This map is representing our members in the detergents and maintenance products industry.
Mr Christian Gründling
Fachverband der Chemischen Industrie Österreichs - F.C.I.O. Austria
Mr Lukas Horak
Ms Helle Fabiansen
Mr Hallar Meybaum
Ms Sari Karjomaa
Ms Virginie d'Enfert
Mr Thomas Keiser
Gerry Vlassopoulos
Association of the Greek Industry of Detergents and Soaps - SEVAS Greece
Mr István Murányi
Magyar Kozmetikai és Háztartás-vegyipari Szövetség - KOZMOS Hungary
Mr Rian Morris
Ms Zanda Jurjane
Mr Marten Kops
Nederlandse Vereniging van Zeepfabrikanten - NVZ Netherlands
Ms Randi Midtkandal Edgar
Mr Roman Šterbák
Slovenské združenie pre znackové výrobky - SZZV Slovak Republic
Mr Olof Holmer
Mr Bernard Cloëtta
Schweizerischer Kosmetik- und Waschmittelverband - SKW Switzerland
Mr Philip Malpass
UK Cleaning Products Industry Association - UKCPI United Kingdom
Ms Ilayda Huban
Kozmetik & Temizlik Ürünleri Sanayicileri Derneˇgi - KTSD Turkey
Ms Giorgia De Berardinis
Mr Ad Jespers
Mr Ludger Grunwald
Mr Arndt Scheidgen
Ms Nadia Viva
Mr Jan Vindberg-Larsen
Ms Yvonne Iwaniuk
Mr Florian Vernay
Mr Dainius Plepys
Mr Stefan Muller
Ms Miglena Bankova
Mr Henk Vossen
Ms Isabelle Demoment
Mr Ian Croft
Mr Ismaël Djelassi
Mr Marc Bakker Schut
Mr Maxime Vandeputte
Ms Aleksandra Kosciesza
Mr Patrick Fox
Mr Christopher Gallasch
Mr Peter Hug
Mr Aurélie Perrichet
Mr Andre Schellberg
Mr Barry Dodd
Mr Gerhard Merkle
Mr Farooq Alam
Ms Silvia Michelucci
Mr Ibrahim Shaban
Ms Jacqueline Wiacek
Mr Greg Adamson
Ms Julia Dempe
Mr Kris Bosma
Mr Joel Geny
Ms Eve De Maesschalck
Mr Dirk Vanhee
Mr Steven Craven
Mr Yash Parulekar
Mr Franky De Wilde
Ms Barbara Dücker
Mr James Wilson
Ms Lucile Manteau