A.I.S.E. Signs The Antwerp Declaration Calling For An EU Industrial Strategy

Published on February 22, 2024.

 On 22 February, A.I.S.E. signed the Antwerp Declaration calling for a European Industrial Deal. The declaration is the outcome of a European industry summit held in Antwerp, Belgium on 20 February 2024, and the declaration is currently signed by more than 100 businesses, representing 18 different sectors.

An EU industrial strategy that complements the EU Green Deal is vital for ensuring sustainable growth and competitiveness of the European economy. By aligning the European Industrial Deal with the objectives of the Green Deal, the EU can facilitate a smooth transition towards a greener economy. It must encourage innovation and investment to ensure that European industry remains competitive on a global scale. By integrating the industrial and green deals the EU can reduce emissions and drive economic resilience, balancing environmental sustainability with prosperity.

“The question in front of us is: how do we continue to grow our European industry? The answer is: with a European Industrial Deal at the same level of a European Green Deal. Not in opposition to each other but to reinforce each other.”  
Alexander de Croo, Belgian Prime Minister.

Detergents are essential for our daily life, they help deliver hygiene in almost all areas of modern society from households and schools to gyms, offices, hospitals, hotels, and restaurants. The detergents and maintenance products sector is an important economic contributor in Europe:

  • €42.8 billion market value
  • 95 000 direct jobs
  • 360 000 throughout the value chain
  • 700 manufacturing facilities in Europe

A.I.S.E. is a constructive partner ready to implement the EU Green Deal whilst ensuring the EU remains at the forefront of innovation and industrial production. The future of Europe is made with industry.
