A.I.S.E. celebrates its 70th anniversary

Published on June 12, 2023.

Our A.I.S.E. family is celebrating its 70th anniversary. Members of the A.I.S.E. network raise a glass with colleagues past and present in Brussels  on the occasion of the General Assembly, including former Presidents and association and company members.

A.I.S.E. is a role model for European cooperation – from its establishment in 1952 with a handful of associations to today’s pan-European organisation representing over 900 companies across over 30 markets. We are proud to have upheld hygiene and cleanliness in Europe for seven decades and to have pioneered sustainability for almost 30 years. 

Open our anniversary publication which chronicles the evolution and innovation over the last 7 decades.

Thank you to all members of the A.I.S.E. network for 70 years of collaboration! 
